
A lip flip is a popular process that makes your lips look fuller without adding volume to your lips. Runners should be in good physical and mental condition and have realistic expectations.

However, a lip flip is a non-surgical way to make a fuller lip. A doctor injects botulinum toxin A, commonly known as botox, into the upper lip to create the illusion of a larger lip. It relaxes the muscles above the lip, causing the upper lip to “tilt” up slightly. Although the procedure makes the lip appear more prominent, it does not increase the size of the lip itself.

Lip flips can be particularly beneficial for people whose smiles reveal much of their gums. After a lip flip, less gum shows when the person smiles because the upper lip lifts less.

lip flip

What is a lip flip before and after?

A lip flip is a non-surgical procedure that makes your lips appear fuller. Your doctor will insert botulinum toxin into the corners of your mouth (commissures of the mouth) and the edges of your lips (red band).

The botulinum toxin lowers the muscles around your high lip, causing your lip to ‘fly’ up (eversion) a little bit and appear more expansive than usual.

What types of botulinum toxin injections are there?

Botox is the most well-known brand of botulinum toxin, and “Botox” is used generically to describe all brands of botulinum toxin, but there are others. You and your doctor can discuss the best option for your lip flip procedure. Other options are:

Dysport (Abobotulinum).

Xeomin (Incobotulinum).

Jeauveau (prabotulinum toxin A).

What is the change between a lip flip and lip fillers?

A lip flip and lip plumper are both events that make your lips look filled.

Lip fillers are a kind of dermal filler. Doctor will inject hyaluronic acid (HA) into some or all parts of your lips to add volume. Your lips will look fuller immediately after the procedure.

Your doctor will inject Botox into parts of your upper lip during a lip replacement procedure. After about a week, the injections will make your lips look fuller or “puckered” without adding volume.

Who needs a lip balm?

Getting a lip makeover is a personal choice. Pursuing your desires and the desires of your body can be empowering.

To be considered for a lip makeover, you must:

Be in good physical condition.

Have realistic expectations.

Many people who get a lip makeover want their lips to appear larger. You may want to get a lip makeover for many reasons, including:

You want your lips to look fuller. As you age, your lips may become smaller or thinner, your philtrum (the groove between your upper lip and septum) may lengthen and flatten, and the space between the corners of your mouth (inter commissural space) may increase.

So, you do not want lip fillers or lip augmentation. These procedures change the volume and form of your lips. They are more expensive and there is usually more bruising and swelling.

So, you want to reduce the arrival of wrinkles. Botox relaxes muscles and reduces the appearance of wrinkles when you make facial expressions.

You want your lips to cover more of your gums. When you smile, you may feel insecure if your upper lip reveals too much of your gums (gum puffing). You want to increase your self-confidence. A lip makeover can help improve your self-esteem and body image.

Why is a lip change done?

A lip makeover won’t reverse the aging process or texture of your lips, but it will make your lips look fuller without adding volume. It can help you achieve the look you want and boost your self-esteem.

Over time, you can lose volume in your lips. You can lose volume as a result of:


From smoking.

sun damage.

How long does a lip change last?

The effect of the Botox will eventually wear off. A lip change usually takes between two and five months.

What happens before a lip replacement procedure?

Before your lip replacement procedure, meet with your doctor. They will assess many factors including your mental health and any social conditions.

Does a spouse, partner, or friend encourage you to have a lip flip or other cosmetic procedure?

And also, your healthcare provider will assess your general health, including any pre-existing health problems or risk factors. Talk to your doctor about any allergies you have, particularly to cow’s milk — some brands of botulinum toxin contain albumin, a protein in cow’s milk. Let them know about all prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications. These drugs can interfere with the healing process.

Your doctor will recommend that you refrain from alcohol, cigarettes, and aspirin for at least a week before the procedure. Alcohol and aspirin thin your blood and make it harder to heal. Cigarettes can increase the risk of bruising at the injection sites.

What happens in a lip replacement procedure?

A lip replacement procedure is not very invasive, so your doctor is unlikely to numb your lips. If you are concerned about pain or afraid of needles (aichmophobia), ask your doctor about putting a numbing cream (topical anesthetic) or nerve block injection into your lips to numb them.

Your doctor will inject Botox into parts of your upper lip, including the corners of your mouth and the edges of your lips, with a fine needle. On average, your doctor will insert two to four units of Botox in your upper lip and two units in your lower lip. You will feel slight pain and your eyes may water.

Your healthcare professional or assistant may apply a cotton swab to the injection sites to absorb any blood stains. The entire process is quick and should only take 10-20 minutes.

What happens after a lip replacement procedure?

Once the procedure is complete, your healthcare provider will monitor you for up to 15 minutes to make sure you don’t experience any side effects, including:

Allergic reactions.



Swelling (angioedema).

Substantial bleeding.

Once they determine you no longer need monitoring, they will let you go home (discharge you). Botox won’t tire him out so he can drive to his house.

His lips may be slightly swollen, tender, or even numb. The swelling and tenderness usually go left within 24 hrs.

The following tips drive help your lips as they settle and stop Botox from traveling to other parts of your face:

Apply an ice carton for up to 10 minutes to reduce infection, pain, and swelling.

Avoid using make-up, lip balm, or any other products on your lips for at least three to four days.

Catchphrase from putting pressure on your lips, including moving them, puckering them, kissing them, and drinking through a straw.

Be careful when brushing your teeth.

Refrain from sleeping on your stomach.


What are the advantages of a lip change?

There are many advantages to a lip makeover, including:

The way is safe when done by an skilled health care provider, and Botox is generally safe. There is a low risk of complications or side effects.

It can boost your self-esteem.

You will experience less pain, bruising, and swelling than with other lip augmentation procedures.

Also Read: What is the Procedure for Cosmetic Fillers?