Teeth Healthy: Teeth help us retain the form of our faces, chew our food, and enunciate different sounds to communicate fluently. Healthy teeth require a lifetime of attention, including being aware of your everyday habits, using the proper oral care products, and seeing dental professionals like Kennedy Heights Dental regularly.

Make Sure You Have The Correct Toothbrush.

Choose a toothbrush with a small brush and a bristle pattern that allows you to reach areas of your mouth that are difficult to achieve. Bristles with multiple angles contact the surfaces between teeth, removing plaque from hard-to-reach places. Gum recession is prevented by using soft, rounded bristles that are gentle on your teeth and gums. Examine the brush’s handle grip for a comfortable, non-slip grip that is easy to use even when wet. Because a new toothbrush removes extra plaque than an older one, replace it every three months or as soon as you detect the bristles splay or curl.


Brushing Using The Appropriate Method

Unremoved plaque can solidify, resulting in calculus build-up and gum disease; therefore, how you brush and hold your toothbrush is crucial. Brush at a 45-degree angle over the gum line, ensuring that the bristles contact the tooth surface and gum line. Move the toothbrush 10 to 15 times over each tooth in gentle, circular strokes to remove plaque. Brush for at least 2 minutes twice a day, covering all surfaces of all teeth. Brushing too hard might injure your teeth and erode your gum line, so be careful.

Don’t Forget About Your Tongue.

Plaque can also accumulate on the tongue. Not only may this cause bad breath, but it can also cause other oral health issues. Brush your tongue gently after brushing your teeth.

Increase Your Water Intake.

Water is the most acceptable beverage for overall health and oral health. Schwartz also suggests drinking water after each meal as a general guideline. This can help clean away some of the unpleasant effects of sticky and acidic meals and beverages in between brushing.

Choose A Fluoride-Containing Toothpaste.

Fluoride, found in toothpaste, mouthwash, and drinkable water, helps to strengthen tooth enamel, making teeth less susceptible to decay. It protects your teeth from microorganisms by acting as a barrier. Fluoride hardens the enamel of a person’s teeth when they erupt, making it as hard as it needs to be to fight cavities and decay. It  helps the enamel stay healthy once the teeth have emerged in the mouth by resisting the acid created when you eat sugary snacks. Fluoride has a remineralizing action on teeth, which aids in the rebuilding of worn-down or weakened enamel before it completely vanishes.

Sugary And Acidic Foods Should Be Avoided.

Sugar eventually breaks down into acid in the mouth, which erodes the enamel of your teeth. These acids cause cavities. Teeth enamel can be corrupted by acidic fruits, drinks, and coffee. While you don’t have to avoid certain meals altogether, it’s always a good idea to be cautious.

Flossing Gets To Those Hard-To-Reach Spots.

Floss every day to eliminate food particles stuck in your teeth that brushing can’t reach. Break off around 18 to 24 lengths of floss and use your thumb and index fingers to keep 1 to 2 inches taut. Place the floss between two teeth and slowly glide it up and down, touching both sides of each tooth to remove plaque. Curl the floss into a C shape when it reaches your gums to enter the space between your gums and teeth. For each tooth, used a fresh section of floss.

Keep To A Healthy Eating Plan.

Eating nutrient-dense meals from all food groups, including fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, and dairy, promotes tooth and gum health. Sugar feeds bacteria and acidity in your mouth, generating plaque that eats away at your enamel and gums, leading to tooth decay. Reduce your sugar intake and restore soda with water flavoured with crushed berries or mint leaves instead of soda, which contains phosphoric and citric acids that erode your teeth. Brush and floss after each meal, or drink plenty of water to wash away the acidic meals.

Visit A Dentist At Least Twice A Year.

Cleanings and check-ups with your dentist should be done at least twice a year. They’ll remove calculus, check for cavities, identify future problems, and provide treatment options. Your dentist can detect issues like decay, gum disease, injuries, or cancer early on when they are more manageable and less expensive to treat. Children should perceive a dentist by the age of one and require assistance cleaning their teeth until they can tie their shoelaces. Regular dental appointments become increasingly important as people age, as the amount of saliva produced decreases, leading to increased tooth decay.

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