The error values planned below are returned by get last error [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3] when a Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (Win HTTP) function fails, and are also returned in 16 bits less than the HRESULT error returned from the Win Http Request object.

Error values whose names begin with “ERROR_[PII_EMAIL_C202AB9306445B8A7F2D]_” are specific to Win HTTP functions. Win HTTP functions also return Windows error messages when applicable.

ERROR_ [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3] _AUTO_PROXY_SERVICE_ERROR

Returned by [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3] GetProxyForUrl when a proxy cannot be located for the specified URL.

ERROR_[ pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_AUTODETECTION_FAILED

Returned by [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]DetectAutoProxyConfigUrl if [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]was unable to detect the proxy autoconfiguration (PAC) file URL.

ERROR_[ pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_BAD_AUTO_PROXY_SCRIPT

An error occurred while executing script code in the proxy auto-configuration (PAC) file.

ERROR_[ pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_CANNOT_CALL_AFTER_OPEN

Returned by the HttpRequest object if a given option could not be requested after calling the Open method.

ERROR_[ pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_CANNOT_CALL_AFTER_SEND

Returned by the HttpRequest object if a requested operation could not be performed after calling the send method.

ERROR_[ pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_CANNOT_CALL_BEFORE_OPEN

Returned by the HttpRequest object if a requested operation could not be performed before the Open method was called.

ERROR_[ pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_CANNOT_CALL_BEFORE_SEND

Returned by the HttpRequest object if a requested operation could not be performed before the send method was called.

ERROR_[ pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_CANNOT_CONNECT

Returned if the connection to the server fails.

ERROR_[ pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED

The server requires SSL client authentication. The application retrieves the list of certificate issuers by calling [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]QueryOption with the [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_OPTION_CLIENT_CERT_ISSUER_LIST option. For more information, see [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_OPTION_CLIENT_CERT_ISSUER_LIST option.

If the server requests the client’s certificate, but does not request it, the application can alternately call [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]SetOption using the [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_OPTION_CLIENT_CERT_CONTEXT option. In this case, the application defines the [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_NO_CLIENT_CERT_CONTEXT macro in the lpBuffer [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]SetOption parameter. For more information, see [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_OPTION_CLIENT_CERT_CONTEXT option.

Windows Server 2003 SP1 and Windows XP SP2: This bug is not supported.

ERROR_[ pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_CLIENT_CERT_NO_ACCESS_PRIVATE_KEY

The application does not have the privileges required to access the private key associated with the client certificate.

Windows Server 2003 SP1 and Windows XP SP2: This bug is not support.

ERROR_[ pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_CLIENT_CERT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY

The SSL client certificate context does not have a private key associated with it. The client certificate may have been imported to the computer without the private key.

Windows Server 2003 SP1 and Windows XP SP2: This bug is not support.

ERROR_[ pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_CHUNKED_ENCODING_HEADER_SIZE_OVERFLOW

Returned by [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]Receive Response when an overflow condition is encountered during chunked encoding parsing.

ERROR_[ pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED

Returned by [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3] Receive Response when the server requests client authentication.

Windows Server 2003 SP1 and Windows XP SP2: This bug is not support.

ERROR_[ pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]_CONNECTION_ERROR

The connection to the server was reset or terminated, or an incompatible SSL protocol was encounter. For example, [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3] version 5.1 does not support SSL2 unless the client specifically enables it.

Error codes [pii_email_64404d5a6fd6effbc5c3]

So I’m trying to fix my minecraft and it told me to update my system and I knew it was a problem with my computer but not the OS so after I try to update it says

There were some problems connecting updates, but we’ll try again later. If this keeps popping up and you want to search the web or contact support for info, this might help: (0x800705b4).


If that doesn’t help, I’ll give you everything else possible to fix failed Windows Updates so that at least something works. Even if you try a step, please repeat it in sequence. Report any steps that cannot be take and why:

The quickest way to fix updates is to manually upgrade to the latest version which will reinstall windows while keeping apps, files and most settings where they are, takes about an hour and fixes most issues. Check Settings > System > About and if you have a version less than 21H2, go straight to step 8 below.